Sunday, April 12, 2009

Hey folks, I'm back! had a techno mental lapse, but thanks to Nance I'm fine now. I'd like to see that lettuce Lenore, sounds great! I've never had any winter over, but never used glass either...will have to try that. Plantin spinach in the fall is the way to go, I'm not kiddin when I say we'd have more hand size leaves if we wouldn't eat so much at a time!! Darkest green thing in the ground right now. Starting to transplant early lettuces and herbs that were broadcast in the garden first 2 weeks in March. Of the 7 different saved lettuce seed only 4 are surviving, the romaine germinated but didn't live thru the freeze we had 2 nites in a row only covered w/ straw.
I'd be glad to take some of the baby arugula off your hands Lenore if you've got plenty, its good to stagger the plantings cause that stuff will bolt pretty quick.
Put out a dozen kale, brocolli, lettuce plants since I last wrote. Peas are starting to climb the straw looking for the wire fence up higher! The sno peas looked puny at first (home grown seeds) but are coming around with a couple doses of manure tea, the sugar snap seeds from Buntons last year germinated better and are a week or so behind the snos.
We're in the dark of the moon now so I sowed beets just today and hope to get carrots in Mon if it doesn't rain too hard tonite. I sowed both last year at this time and they did well planted this early. Guess everybody has their seed for this year cause I didn't get any takers for what I had.
Can't leave w/o giving a wildflower update for those interested...this past week it was yellow and blue with the jacobs ladder still blooming along w/ the Virginia blue bells, yellow violets and wood poppies. Rue hangin on as are the spring beauties. This upcoming week should bring the meadow flox(blue), thimble flower(white), larkspur(purple), jack-in-the-pulpit is not far behind!
Happy Gardening everyone! michael

1 comment:

  1. My rue just started blooming I must be as much as 2 weeks behind you.
